10 memory-keeping prompts

Memory-keeping prompts by Artfully Carin

I mentioned last week that I sometimes use prompts when I’m brainstorming ideas.

I have to admit. I resisted prompts for a long time after I started art journaling, thinking they were a form of cheating. I had enough ideas of my own thankyouverymuch. Then I realised that they’re actually great starting points. Whether a prompt sparks an idea straight away, or takes me on a trip down memory lane, that then makes me think of and journal about something completely different, the prompt has done its job.

Another good thing about prompts is that you can go back to the same ones again and again and get different results each time, depending on your mood and circumstances.

This is the first time I’ve posted prompts here, and I’ve made them about us (you and me) on purpose. So often when we think about memory-keeping, we go outside ourselves and make something about our families. I do too. Seriously, I could fill this entire blog with drawings and journal pages about my children. But we shouldn’t forget about ourselves. Our stories are important too.

Hope one or more of these prompts spark something off within you.




  1. Lovely to read your prompts Carin… I had a memory spark on a couple just reading through your list… they ARE great starting points…

    Jenny ♥

  2. Thanks for reminding me about prompts. When I first began journaling I learned by using prompts, then somehow got away from them but I know they can be helpful to get me started.

  3. Ha — I’m exactly like this: “thinking they were a form of cheating. I had enough ideas of my own thankyouverymuch.” Just another way I get in my own way.

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