Sketching childhood: musical elephant

sketching childhood: musical elephant by Artfully Carin

When Kirby was younger, this rocking musical elephant saved our sanity on more than one occasion. No matter how fidgety or upset Kirby was, the elephant managed to calm him down within seconds.

These days, he sits mostly untouched on the toy shelf in Kirby’s room, but unlike some of the other toys the kids have outgrown, I struggle to part with it. Instead I draw it in pencil in Kirby’s sketchbook, as a way of saying thank you, before putting it away for my inspiration shelf in the studio.


  1. It’s funny how I’m quick to toss some toys, and my kids “rescue them” from the trash. But others, ones they are now less interested in, I want to save. I’ve started a small collection in the attic, mostly clothes and a few toys, and I’ve decided they will be my mementos from their childhood. Like Kirby’s toy, I keep the ones that help me remember.

    • I’ve got a memory boxes for both both of them with a few bits in them. I’m kind of amazed at the things I get all sentimental over though. Often it’s not the things I think will appeal to me.

  2. Aweeeeeeeeee

  3. Oh this is gorgeous, what a lovely way to keep mementoes of your child’s life! Oh and btw, your comment on my film list about Leon starring Jean Reno got me remembering another film that he was in that I used to absolutely love and watch on repeat… The Big Blue, remember that one?

  4. Your drawings are amazing!! I’m in year 9 and I have to do an OCR Entry Level Certificate and my theme is wooden toys. Your drawings are a lifesaver.

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