Celebrating 2013: creative achievements

  This is the second year I have made a creative achievement list, and I think it’s fair to say I’ll keep doing them every year as I really enjoy them. It’s a wonderful way to reflect on the past year and remind yourself how far you’ve come. I also find them a great tool […]

Kirby 3 (a birthday interview)

Three years ago today, at 10.45 am (the very time I post this), our boy wonder Kirby was born. In the three years since, he’s gone from being a Velcro baby who would only sleep in my arms for the first ten weeks of his life, to a confident, cheeky little boy who loves vehicles, […]

December highlights (and a link party announcement)

“Here”, she said, “I’ll help you”. Aoife took the stocking from Kirby and kneeled down beside him so he could reach into it and grab whatever was there. He gave her a big smile. The night before I had watched as they excitedly put out the plate for Santa- a mince pie and a glass […]

Word of the year

“Focus” pencil drawing of an eye in my sketchbook Hello my dears, Happy new year! Hope you had a good break! Mine was wonderful. I took a slightly longer break than I had planned to since our PC crashed the other day, but we’re up and running again now, refreshed and ready to go, so […]

Sketching childhood: sippy cup

He scowled up at me when I handed him the drink, stamped his foot and said, “No more sippy cups mamma! Kirby’s a big boy now!”. We had just started potty training him, and he had decided to take his new big boy status all the way. No more nappies. No more Eeyore and muslin […]

Let down your hair art journal

I have spent the last few days deep in thought and prayer trying to work out if I should share the letter I wrote to Aoife on her birthday. In the end I decided not to. It’s far too personal for a public blog. I’m finding that’s happening a lot more lately. Our stories are […]

November highlights (art journal and video)

November is always a busy month around here. It is flanked by birthdays, visits and celebrations, and there is usually a whole lot of Christmas and new year preparation going on in between. This year seemed crazier than most since a certain someone celebrated a milestone birthday. I’m still trying to catch my breath. For […]

October highlights art journal and video

Walking to school the first morning back after the half term holidays, Aoife asked “Mummy, what should I write if Mrs C asks us to write about our holidays? We didn’t go anywhere.” “Just write the truth, hun. We stayed home all week because we were potty training Kirby, but we did lots of arting […]

6 ways to begin artful memory-keeping

  I love artful memory-keeping for a number of reasons. For me, it’s a wonderful way of combining my passions for drawing and painting with my passion for memory-keeping. I have also noticed that the more I incorporate memory-keeping into my life, the more grateful I am. I know some of you would like to […]

Sketching childhood: musical elephant

When Kirby was younger, this rocking musical elephant saved our sanity on more than one occasion. No matter how fidgety or upset Kirby was, the elephant managed to calm him down within seconds. These days, he sits mostly untouched on the toy shelf in Kirby’s room, but unlike some of the other toys the kids […]