September was a lovely month, if very quiet on the photo front. Our good friends returned home after travelling for 3 months, so we had lots to catch up on. Aoife started year two with a new group of friends, but settled quickly. And life slowly returned to normal after a wonderful summer. *** The […]
Sketching childhood: tea for two
“Tea for two” pencil drawing in Aoife’s sketching childhood book When I sit down to draw, I almost always grab Kirby’s sketchbook. Since he’s at home with me all day, his toys are usually right in front of me, inspiring me to draw them, or, if I’m having a bad day, making me curse as […]
Keep your head in the clouds
Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground. I’ve not drawn or painted faces for a long time (it shows!), but lately I’ve been obsessed with poses. Especially the children’s poses. I have been jotting them down in my journal as I see them, in the hope of developing them later […]
Sketching childhood: Percy the train
The other day, I noticed Kirby was settling down for a snooze on the sofa, so I took out my sketchbook and pencils and set up at the dining table. I outlined his Percy train and began working on making him come to life. Then I made the mistake of leaving the room to make a […]
August highlights
“Mummy, mummy, come quick! I have something really exciting to show you!!!” Aoife burst into the house, her two sidekicks from down the road right behind her. “Come on mummy, come now!” I picked up my house keys and ran outside barefeet. It sounded urgent and their excitement was contagious. “I can ride a bike […]
Sketching childhood: toy hoover
I began the sketching childhood series of drawings for two reasons. 1) To document my children’s childhood. As much as I love photography, I find that nothing engages all my senses like drawing. It makes me see all the layers of a thing or a situation. To draw their lives then, makes me feel like […]
Sibling love art journal
Grabbing the opportunity as it presented itself, I decided to deep clean the kitchen while the kids played in the livingroom. Grateful for a few minutes to myself, I dipped my hands deep in the hot, sudsy water, squeezed out the sponge and begun to methodically clean the surfaces. But I was soon stopped in […]
I’m a heart’s path explorer!
I’m so excited to share that I am one of Heather’s heart’s path explorers today! Pop on over to Heather’s blog to read my interview and learn more about how I found my heart’s path and how I keep it going.
Sketching childhood: hide n squeak eggs
The house is quiet. Aoife is away on a sleep over, and Kirby has a tummy bug that makes him a bit quieter and clingier than normal. These hide n squeak eggs by Tomy have provided most of the fun for both of us yesterday and today. He plays by my feet and I draw. […]
July highlights
These highlight pages have quickly become some of my art journal favourites. I love being able to see at a glance what we have been up to during a particular month. I make them as simple as possible on purpose so that I am more inclined to make them, and let the words and doodles […]