Let down your hair art journal

I have spent the last few days deep in thought and prayer trying to work out if I should share the letter I wrote to Aoife on her birthday. In the end I decided not to. It’s far too personal for a public blog. I’m finding that’s happening a lot more lately. Our stories are […]

November highlights (art journal and video)

November is always a busy month around here. It is flanked by birthdays, visits and celebrations, and there is usually a whole lot of Christmas and new year preparation going on in between. This year seemed crazier than most since a certain someone celebrated a milestone birthday. I’m still trying to catch my breath. For […]

October highlights art journal and video

Walking to school the first morning back after the half term holidays, Aoife asked “Mummy, what should I write if Mrs C asks us to write about our holidays? We didn’t go anywhere.” “Just write the truth, hun. We stayed home all week because we were potty training Kirby, but we did lots of arting […]

6 ways to begin artful memory-keeping

  I love artful memory-keeping for a number of reasons. For me, it’s a wonderful way of combining my passions for drawing and painting with my passion for memory-keeping. I have also noticed that the more I incorporate memory-keeping into my life, the more grateful I am. I know some of you would like to […]

September highlights art journal page

September was a lovely month, if very quiet on the photo front. Our good friends returned home after travelling for 3 months, so we had lots to catch up on. Aoife started year two with a new group of friends, but settled quickly. And life slowly returned to normal after a wonderful summer. *** The […]

August highlights

“Mummy, mummy, come quick! I have something really exciting to show you!!!” Aoife burst into the house, her two sidekicks from down the road right behind her. “Come on mummy, come now!” I picked up my house keys and ran outside barefeet.  It sounded urgent and their excitement was contagious. “I can ride a bike […]

Sibling love art journal

Grabbing the opportunity as it presented itself, I decided to deep clean the kitchen while the kids played in the livingroom. Grateful for a few minutes to myself, I dipped my hands deep in the hot, sudsy water, squeezed out the sponge and begun to methodically clean the surfaces. But I was soon stopped in […]

July highlights

These highlight pages have quickly become some of my art journal favourites. I love being able to see at a glance what we have been up to during a particular month. I make them as simple as possible on purpose so that I am more inclined to make them, and let the words and doodles […]

Let your heart guide you

Let your heart guide you. It will lead you home. I’ve been feeling restless lately, which usually means big changes are happening. I feel them in my body long before I can put them into words or action. I’m always impressed with how the body knows what’s best for me, even when I push and […]

I believe I can fly

For a long time after I was physically ready to go out in public again after having been bedridden/ housebound for several years, I was afraid to. As much as I wanted to, being around people was pretty scary. The world was noisy, and I was afraid of getting bumped and hurt. My back was […]