Monthly highlights link party: March

Hi and welcome to the monthly highlights link party for March! The monthly highlights link party gives us a chance to reflect on, savour, and celebrate the goodness in our lives, one month at a time.

Due to popular demand, I’m changing it up a little this month- you can now enter a blog post with or without an art journal page! That’s right- everyone’s welcome.  All I ask is that you respect that this is a family friendly blog. To join in, please add your blog post to the link up tool at the bottom of the post. You have till 5.55 pm GMT on Thursday May 1, 2014 to join. 


monthly highlights link party

March was a very good month. These are some of our highlights:

* Taking the kids bowling.

*Interviewing Jenny for the blog.

* Taking the kids to an open farm near us. Kirby loved the sheep, and Aoife loved the rabbits.

* Going out for dinner with a close friend I hadn’t had a chance to catch up with in a while. And a “bag-party” at another friend’s house.

* Being spoiled on mother’s day with lovely handmade cards, some quiet pampering and crafting time, and a home-cooked dinner.

* Alan having a couple of days off to use up his holidays.

* Getting featured on More Ink.

* Our alternative St Patrick’s day celebrations. The kids didn’t want to go to the festival in town so we went to the park instead, then played Pooh sticks at the rusty bridge near us.  It was a lovely day.

* A much needed social media fast. It was a great opportunity to pray, read, clean, and think. 

* The kids loving the trampoline they bought with their left over birthday and Christmas money.

monthly highlights link party march 2014

monthly highlights link party march 2014 (3)

monthly highlights link party march 2014 (4)

monthly highlights link party march 2014 (5)

monthly highlights link party march 2014 (6)

monthly highlights link party march 2014 (7)

monthly highlights link party march 2014 (8)

monthly highlights link party march 2014

How was your month? Please come and share your highlights in the linky below. 

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monthly highlights link party


  1. I love your monthly journal pages, they’re so beautiful, and so fun, but I’m afraid to say that your thunder has been completely stolen by those bunnies and the gorgeous children petting them!

  2. Beautiful post as always Carin… and gorgeous art journal page… loving all your pics… and so nice to savour the highlights of a month just passed… enjoyed reading about yours…

    Jenny ♥

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