oh the places we’ll go

I’ve been racking my brain for the last couple of days trying to think of a nice story to go with this art journal page. I have plenty of undefined ideas to choose from,  but my head has been foggy lately and what I really want to scream say is this… ENOUGH OF WINTER ALREADY!!!! […]

A mother’s love

Motherhood is by far the most important job I’ll ever do. I fought long and hard to become a mother and am so happy to finally have those precious kiddos in my life. I’m so grateful I was entrusted with their lives. Entrusted to love them, care for them, teach them. To receive their love […]

Into the unknown

Around this time every year, I usually find myself open-mouthed with wonder how quickly the word of the year has started working its magic on my life. This year is no exception, but the very nature of the word (action), also makes it a bit scarier than most. There’s no hiding from a word like […]

Beep beep…Kirby is two!

The little fella is two today! Dearest Kirby, At two, you…. …have an amazing character. …adore cars, trucks and building blocks. …love running, jumping and climbing (and any combination thereof). …love books. Your favourites right now are “Spot goes to the farm” and “The very hungry caterpillar”. …say mummy/ mamma, daddy/ pappa, car, there, more, […]

A grateful heart

Do you choose a word to guide you through the year? What was your word for 2012? How did you get on with it? I am so happy I chose gratitude as my word of the year for 2012. What a wonderful word to live by! As the year draws to a close, I am […]

Aoife 6

Interview with a 6 year old: Fave colour(s): pink, purple, and red Fave book: Cinderella Fave toy: Minnie Mouse Fave activity: arting Fave song: Minnie Mouse (her own made up song) Fave show on television: Charlie and Lola Fave animal: monkeys Fave flower: roses Fave season: winter cos it snows Fave place: at the beach […]

coming home

I sit in my childhood room looking for something to do. I grab a piece of paper and a pencil, then pick up one of the bird ornaments my mum has put in my bedroom and try to draw it. Before I know it several hours have gone by. I have drawn the ornament from […]

personal photography in art journaling

I had another post planned for today, but this one begged to go first *** When I started art journaling 2 1/2 years ago, I came across a school of thought that said you shouldn’t use personal photography in art journaling because that makes it scrapbooking. End of discussion. No grey area. That’s just how […]

You are my sunshine

A quick art journal show and tell for you today. For this page, I collaged book pages all over the background, then white-washed the whole thing with gesso. I put down three shades of blue watersoluble crayon (using lots of water), covered in cling film (plastic wrap) and left to dry. When dry(ish), I peeled […]

me, myself and I

Wherever we go, I’m told Aoife is the spit of me. Then someone usually says that Kirby is the spit of Aoife. Poor Alan doesn’t get a look in. I’m used to it. I’ve heard it all my life. Growing up, everyone said how much I looked like my mother. And acted like her. And […]