Art journal catch up

I’ve been a busy bee. I don’t believe practice makes perfect (be gone evil witch, be gone!), but I do believe practice pays off. I feel as if I have turned a corner this week. I’m starting to loosen up a bit more, feel a bit more comfortable with it all, and have a gazillion page ideas in my head.

 To Have and To Hold art journal page

To have and To Hold

I really like that the text, a love letter of sorts, is largely illegible, even to me, because it made me less wary of writing down what came straight from my heart.

Dance of Life art journal page Dance of Life

“The dance of life is messy. Its beauty lies not in perfectly performed steps to somebody else’s tune, but in the playful exploration of one’s own.


I'm Every Woman art journal pageI’m Every Woman

I didn’t even remember it was International Women’s Week until after I finished this collage. It was just born on one of those days when I seemed to be juggling a multitude of womanly roles. I was happy to be them all, but was tired as sin all the same (darn that full moon, it really caught me out this time!).


  1. Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my blog, Carin. I love these journal pages–your use of color!!

  2. Thanks Diane! Very nice of you to say so.

  3. I love watching you progress Carin. The collage on the bottom page is wonderful! 🙂
    Maybe one day I will be able to visit the UK.
    Much LOVE

  4. I really like the second one down. I still haven’t gone to get an art journal, but I did find my sketch pad (on accident, of course, not when I was looking for it!), so maybe some drawings for me? You are inspiring me as much as Mon is.

  5. Thanks Paula! That is one of the reasons why I’m posting them all, even if it makes me feel vulnerable at times, because when you look at Flickr for example, it’s all too easy to believe that everyone starts off that good. I’m sure there are some who do, but for most it’s a learning process.

  6. Thanks Lisa! Hope you have fun drawing! I’m still trying to get back into that too, I’m still doodling like crazy.

  7. These are great Carin. Looks like you had fun experimenting. Love the blue one. It’s very easy to progress isn’t it? Just takes loosening up, being easy on yourself… ok, not easy, lol, but simple. 😉

  8. Loosening up hasn’t been simple, that has been part of the soul work that then goes into the journal, but once you start letting go, it gets easier/ simpler!

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