Art Journalling

Live The Dream art journal page

For the love of letters art journal page

Live boldly art journal page

Long before I had crafts, I had art. I was particularly fond of pencil drawing and water colours. At the time, I couldn’t care less for crafts. My mother and school tried to teach me the basics of many of the crafty things I love to do now, or want to do now but can’t remember how, and I just wasn’t interested. Cross-stitch and crochet was for little old ladies, not hip young things like me! But if you gave me a pencil or a brush I’d lose myself for hours. I loved it.

When I started working, got married and bought a house, my art supplies got relegated to the back of the cupboard. I had responsibilities, you know (pfft!). Then crafts made their way into my life and slowly took over where art had left off.

But I never forgot my first love. I took out my supplies many times over the years and made a drawing or two, but soon got frustrated I was so rusty that I shoved the supplies at the back of the cupboard again. I never sent them packing though. There was still hope that some day I’d give them the time and attention they deserved.

Then last year, I had a burning desire to do art again. I bought a sketch book and started doodling again. Even doodling felt like a huge step. I also got some art books to help me on the way, including one on art journals and sketch books, but never used them. I started dreaming and hatching plans about making my own art again though.  I knew it was going to happen, and sooner rather than later.

So a short while ago, when Mon at Holistic Mama and Bohemian Shadows started doing and sharing her art journals, I knew the time had come. Her enthusiasm really fuelled my own desire to make art again. No more procrastination. So out came the book on art journals, out came the supplies, and out came the the child who loved to paint.

I have so enjoyed making these  art journal pages (and a couple of others not shown here)! I started off using the soft water colours I know and love before braving the acrylics. They’re all a bit flat looking so I know I have to work on my layering techniques, but right now I don’t really care if they’re well layered or not as long as I’m enjoying myself. And believe me, I am!


  1. Yay! I need to go get myself one of those art journals. Here I am scouring around for some paper–any paper!–to draw or paint on. It’s quite pathetic, really.
    Mon is making some waves, is she not? Just like you, I kept all my art supplies but rarely took them out. After moving around so much, they are a bit scattered. I need to gather them together. But I haven’t taken an art class since middle school!!!!!!! Well, okay, there was one in college but it was geared toward photography. Anyway, I totally feel like a beginner, which seems ridiculous considering how passionate I have always been about art.
    One last thought…read your comment on Mon’s Alice post. I think there’s something to be said for admiring other styles but not necessarily emulating them. Though I also think it’s cool to try something on for size, be it technique or style, just to see if it fits, even if just a bit. I love the edgy stuff, too, but I always have to make everything pretty. Nothing wrong with pretty!

  2. Oh definitely get one Lisa! It’s so much fun!
    I haven’t taken an art class in years either, so feel like a beginner too, but as far as I’m concerned art journals are more about personal expression rather than perfection.
    Oh yeah, like I said, I’ve come to terms with me being one of those who have to make things pretty. Still would like to do some edgy stuff every now and again though!

  3. Right? We all have a bit of edginess in us, don’t we?

  4. You’ve made my day! I can FEEL how much fun you had with these.
    Was there a little anxiety mixed in there as well? There sure was for me. But I’m embracing that fear and knowing it’s there to be faced and healed.
    The Live Boldly is like… YEAH WORLD! lol
    As for the occassional ‘edgy’ piece, you’ll make it… when you FEEL ‘edgy’.

  5. Oh yes, there was A LOT of anxiety! The perfectionistic streak I thought I’d done a pretty good job of getting rid off/ supressing made itself known loud and clear. And felt very vulnerable putting up these pages on the blog. But hey, we’re all beginners at some point, whatever we do.


  1. […] currently practising layering. As you know my first pages came out very flat.  I don’t quite understand why the layering is a problem for me, I’m used to drawing […]

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