Artistic Mother: week 3 poetry tote

 The Artistic Mother poetry tote

It seems I’ve found my groove again. Yay!

I was so happy to be back crafting and creating again, I ended whipping this up in an afternoon (I prepared the fabric about a month ago, before I lost my groove), and really enjoyed the process. Yes, I Carin, enjoyed sewing! Wonders never cease! I have Shona to thank for that. She spelled out every step so clearly, I couldn’t go wrong.

I think this is my perfect project for practising sewing. It’s so easy to do (it must be if I can whip it up in an afternoon!), and is easily changed to suit my needs. Aoife has already put in an order for a blue one so I know I’ll be making it again very soon.

If you want to see what the others are making, visit Trudy’s blog here. They’re making some really cool stuff.


  1. Yea you. Your poetry journal is beautiful. Now that you have discovered that you love to sew, you can visit my sewing blog at

  2. Oops. I meant to say that your poetry tote is beautiful. Sorry about that. It’s late, and I should be in bed.

  3. Thanks Trudy!

  4. lol, no worries.

  5. i love sewing too….and I should venture into that field of interest once again! it’s been too long!
    i’ve wanted to make myself a journal, pencil holder for my field walks…it’s brewing, the thoughts and wheels of creativity are turning!
    this bag is wonderful! i love it!
    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  6. Carin, your bag turned out beautiful! It’s kind of addicting, huh? I already have a few family members who put in orders, and I can’t wait to sew them! And yes, we do have Shona to thank for that.

  7. Thanks Carmelina! That sounds like a nice project you’ve got brewing. Please show when it’s made.

  8. Thanks E! Yes, very addictive! I see a tote for all occasions in my future 🙂

  9. lovely tote all the bright colours

  10. Thanks Lorraine!

  11. I really love the colors that you used for this bag. so good that you actually like sewing too!!!! another skill to add to the artistic repertoire!

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