Crash Bang Wallop: a week in my art journal

Sorry, a little late, but here we go… "crash bang wallop" art journal

Crash Bang Wallop art journal page

This page was a bit of an experimental for me as I tried out ink sprays and ink sprays with mica for the first time (Dylusions). Not knowing how the ink sprays would react with the other materials, I decided to keep it simple and to add the layers slowly over several hours. Apart from one small mishap with the ink leaking through the paper and staining the other side (I had run out of gesso and worked on an untreated surface), I was pretty pleased with how they handled. And the page the ink leaked onto, which is still a work in progress, actually benefited from it. A happy accident indeed. I LOVED the mica sprays.This page is a lot brighter in real life and the mica shimmers beautifully. I have loads of ideas where I could use them in the future, especially with Christmas coming up, so watch this space. As for the journaling itself… that child of ours is always in the wars (nothing major so far, thank goodness, just the usual bumps and scrapes).This week was no exception, only she added smashing bowls and breaking toys to her never ending list of little accidents. I should have lots of pages to show next week (dangerous talk that, I’m sure), so see you then for the next art journal update.


  1. That photo of Aoife is so cute. She just looks mischievous with that little smile!

  2. i like ink sprays too, and as i like grunge i don’t mind the unpredictable gloops.
    this page turned out well.
    ah kids. mine has a million bruises covering her legs.

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