Art for Aoife: dance like nobody’s watching





Dance like nobody’s watching;

love like you’ve never been hurt.

Sing like nobody’s listening;

live like it’s heaven on earth.

~ Mark Twain


The first canvas for Aoife’s room is done!

I have to admit I was a bit nervous about it. I mean, come on, the girl wanted pink and purple for Pete’s sake…talk about taking me out of my comfort zone!

But I did it! So yay me!

Her other stipulation was it had to have a ballet/ dance theme. Thankfully that wasn’t as hard because we both share that little obsession. Phew!

In order to make it as personal and as meaningful as possible I used special papers celebrating her firsts for the background (like a certificate celebrating her first haircut, her first drawing of us as a family of four, her first passport, her birth announcement…), the wall paint we used in her room, and the tie- back from her new curtains to create the tutu (we used a different ones in the room), as well as little special symbols dotted around the place.

I love that her drawing of me (from that first drawing of us as a family of four) shows through down the bottom of the painting. I see so much symbolism in that. That is how I want to be as a parent. I want to raise capable, independent adults, who live their own lives and follow their own dreams, but know that I am always behind them, supporting them and cheering them on.


  1. it’s lovely 🙂

  2. Thanks Deborah!

  3. Oh Carin… YAY you… definitely!!! This is just beautiful… and I LOVE the meaningful ephemera that you have used in the background… such a stunning and creative piece… filled and made with love to adorn Aoife’s wall… I bet she adores it… well done Carin… and awesome words about what you want as a parent… so lovely…
    Jenny x

  4. Paty Shaulis says

    I love it Carin!! It is beautiful and she will treasure it forever!

  5. Oh my goodness I LOVE This, so glad it is going to someone who will love it, but a part of me wants it for myself teehee. I think that’s a good thing I think art should be something you want to bring home with you and cherish

  6. What a beautiful painting, and so special with all the bits and pieces you included! Love the colours and the pretty ballerina, and the details on the side of the canvas. Wonderful job!

  7. Thank you so much Jenny! It was certainly infused with love. Hugs to you too.

  8. Thank you Paty!

  9. Thank you Meg! So glad you enjoy my art!

  10. Thank you Katja!

  11. It is perfect!!!
    My younger granddaughter loves pink . . . and I don’t! It’s become a joke between us.

  12. That is great work Carin – well done you! 🙂

  13. WOW – this is AWESOME!!! Really beautiful job mama! And I loved reading about all the personal touches – especially the idea of including one of her own drawings. AND I think you did a brilliant job with pink and purple – the green really makes it all pop! xoxo

  14. I was behind – just read my sweet PPF comment. AND yes – opening Etsy this year!!! xoxo

  15. Vilken fin present till din dotter! Jag gillar verkligen att du använt smÃ¥ symboliska saker som passar just henne – och som ingen annan behöver veta om.

  16. This is absolutely beautiful – and so meaningful, I’m almost speechless. Gorgeous!!!

  17. This piece of art for your daughter is GORGEOUS!! I’ve been interested in mixed-media for awhile, but haven’t really done much yet. This is a beautiful example of mixed-media with heart and meaning. Yay You!
    (I’m from Liv’s class too.)

  18. Hi Carin! I’ve been trying to get to comment on this post for over a week. I love this piece you did for Aoife.
    Was looking over your more recent posts–kids are looking cuter than ever!


  1. […] got as far as making her one canvas (dance like nobody’s watching) when she came home from school one day saying Irish dancing “made her legs dizzy”, […]

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