Art, Heart & Healing: week 3, part 3- empathy monster

Empathy monster

Meet Ziggy. He’s an empathy monster made for week 3 of the free willowing course Art, Heart & Healing. Apart from the zipper, I only used things from my stash, which was great. I love it when I can do that.

As I stuffed his body yesterday evening I kept thinking of him as Ziggy. I  didn’t think that was a very monster like name though, so decided to leave it for a day or two till I could think of a better name, but as soon as Aoife saw him this morning she started calling him Ziggy too. So Ziggy it is.  And Aoife adores him. They have been constant companions all day.

playful empathy monster

Have a great weekend everyone, and a lovely week after that. I won’t be around much next week since my mum is over. I have scheduled a couple of posts, but probably won’t have time to reply to comments or visit you all. I will miss you, but will be back the following week.


  1. ~oh my gosh…i l♥ve his zipper mouth…i think sometimes my husband would probably wish the same for me…lol!!! wonderful job you have done creating your empathy monster…enjoy your mums company…warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. That is so cute!!! I like the name, too. Seems fitting.

  3. ha ha…faerwillow’s comment cracked me up!
    Ziggy is perfect and I love the photo of your daughter playing with him! So cute. Enjoy your time with your mother.

  4. wow, you’re getting tons of comments from me today : ) I forgot to respond to your comment to me…I love that little voice too!! But I don’t always listen to it like today…argh..I never learn! One day : )

  5. I’m pretty sure you won’t know this show, what with being from Sweden.. but Alan might.
    There used to be a lunchtime kids show called Rainbow, which although it was aimed at tots, became a sort of cult with University students. Your toy reminds me of one of the characters.. ‘Zippy’.
    You should go look it up on You Tube.
    Have a lovely time with your mum.
    Jo xx

  6. he’s a beaut! always go with the first name i say. love that you used stash stuff, feels good doesn’t it?
    what’s an empathy monster? sounds like a lovely idea.
    enjoy your week with mormor. (sp?)

  7. Thanks faerwillow! Your comment cracked me up. I’m sure my husband would probably wish the same for me every so often lol.

  8. Thanks Lisa!

  9. Me too Esther, me too- and I’m sure my husband sometimes wishes the same for me!

  10. Yep, that happens here too, like I think I can override it or something. Gotta learn to listen. xo

  11. Lol. Thanks Jo!

  12. Thanks Mon! The empathy monster listen with real empathy to whatever is on our mind, ie without giving advice, sharing similar stories, etc. The zipper is there to signify it keeps schtumm while listening and beyond.

  13. OH!!! I hadn’t seen Ziggy!! WHAT a cutie – and I can see that he has already found a new best friend in Aoife! I love the blue and the great hair and that eye – all just perfect! xoxo

  14. JessiVille says

    I love your “Ziggy”! Sooooo cute!

  15. Thanks Jessi and thatnks for visiting! 🙂

  16. Wether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent.

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