Everyday creativity

everyday creativity

I love seeing the surprise and happiness in someone’s eyes when they realise they are creative beings after all. Creativity isn’t limited to a chosen few. We all have creative gifts whether we are aware of them or not.

As artists or crafters we often put so much emphasis on studio time that we forget to celebrate everyday creativity, the little things we do to make our day a little more interesting. Done with love and understanding, any task can be performed creatively. It just takes a little imagination. Many of us do it naturally to keep boredom at bay or to make our home environment a little prettier, but few make the connection to living creatively.  And those who don’t consider themselves artists or crafters may never make the connection. They may even berate themselves for not being creative, especially in front of those who are more conventionally so.

Sometimes when I talk to people about my arty and crafty interests, I get a wistful sigh followed by a “I wish I was creative too, but I don’t have a creative bone in my body”. That makes me so sad, especially since I think it’s all nonsense. 

True, not everyone is a Picasso (thank goodness, how boring would that be!), but we all have creative tendencies within us. We just need to be aware of them.

Everyday creativity is in the little things; how we cook dinner for our family, how we get our toddlers to brush their teeth (we pretend to be tigers!), how we clean the kitchen floor, how we arrange photos on a dresser, and how we bring smiles to the faces of those around us. The list could go on and on. It is in anything and everything we do each day.

When we stop hiding behind comparisons and envy and take an honest look at our lives, our own unique blend of creativity has a chance to shine through. And when that blend is acknowledged and appreciated, it is set free to grow.

So whatever your special creative blend may be, take some time out today to appreciate it. It will enrich your life and the lives of those around you.  

What do you do to make your everyday a bit more creative?


  1. So true!! Great reminder too. Thank you!

  2. Thanks Melissa! And so nice of you to visit 🙂

  3. what a great post..and thanks for your lovely comments on my blog

  4. Oh wow, Carin! This is such a beautiful and true post. I completely agree with you and have been wanting to write a post about this too, but I don’t think I would’ve worded it this beautifully!! It really bothers me too when people say they aren’t creative. God is a creator and we were made in is image, so we are ALL creative beings! My mom would always say that she couldn’t draw a straight line, so I finally told her that’s what rulers are for! But she can decorate her house beautifully. Any way, I’m truly impressed with this post, and your writing.
    Also thank you for the wonderful comment on my last post, I’m very humbled that it touched so many people. Thank you.

  5. Oh, and I love this month’s banner!!

  6. Hear hear!
    I sure would love to see you playing tigers …. 🙂

  7. The model wouldn’t cooperate. I had hubby all set with the camera too 🙂

  8. Thanks, not one of my favourites, but haven’t taken many pics lately.

  9. Thanks Esther! Your comment means so much to me. I’m going through a bit of a transition in my life and in my blogging at the moment, and this post just poured out. I’m so glad it was understood and appreciated!

  10. Thanks Lorraine!

  11. WHAT a beautiful post Carin! I love your words and like E said, it is so true! Beautiful post and new October banner . . .
    BTW, why do I think you’re having a girl? Is this real or my imagination? xoxo

  12. Thank you so much Kristin!
    You’re not the only one, everyone seems to think so but we haven’t found out and I just don’t have any inklings when it comes to my own pregnancies. We can;’t agree on any girl’s names this time though, just have boy’s names and keep referring to the baby as a he. So who knows!

  13. wonderful reminder hun.
    and also, creativity doesn’t mean perfect craft/art. so many people could benefit from doodling for example.

  14. Carin! Carin!
    What a delicious and thoughtful post! I adore your sentiments…and fully agree with you on every count!
    It pains me to hear that some people think they aren’t creative in any way just because they can’t draw or paint! You’re right, creativity comes in so many forms…it’s up to each and every one of us to change our perspectives and think of new and fresh ways to bring beauty and ‘artfulness’ into our everyday!
    great post…..and thanks too so very much for your visits…..I always look forward to hearing from you!
    ciao bella CARIN!


  1. […] deeper into the wonderful subject of creativity as a whole. I have found I love writing posts like Everyday creativity and Writing as healing and want to do them more regularly. I want to encourage everyone to look at […]

  2. […] So many people want to be more creative, but don’t think that they are creative at all (well, I have something to say about that!), or think that creative pursuits have to be crammed into the darkest nooks and […]

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