Art journal: I am Spirit

"I am spirit" art journal by Artfully Carin

I am having so much fun in the studio right now. This spread was no exception. It was done for week 1 of the wonderful free ecourse Art, Heart & Healing over at Willowing.

If you’ve hung around here a while you know I love drawing but haven’t done it in a good while, so it was really exciting that part of the first class focused on drawing and painting a front facing portrait. I’ve longed to get back into it, but have felt so incredibly rusty that I have put it off time and time again. This was just the kick-start I needed. I loved it. And Tam’s tips and tricks really helped. I used water colour pencils rather than water soluble crayons though (all I had to hand), which gives a slightly softer look.

In this lesson we journalled about all the negative stuff our inner critic tells us, turned it around and found the positive intention behind it. I chose the phrase “I am Spirit” (since that basically negates anything my inner critic can ever tell me). My one word reminder, which can be found down in the neckline, is “Love” (of course!).

I can’t wait to do week 2. With Aoife off on half term, I’m not sure how much studio time I’ll get though.

Detail of "I am spirit" art journal by Artfully Carin


  1. She is just beautiful – and really looks like you – wonderful affirmation and work, xoox

  2. This is a great course, isn’t it? I like the effect the watercolour pencils have given, it is softer than the crayons. Beautiful colours too.

  3. I love your portrait Carin and our affirmation. I like the soft look you have achieved too. I am doing this course too but have only had time to watch and download the tutorials. I am hoping that tonight I can catch up and do my portrait.

  4. Tam’s free class is great! And your journal spread looks beautiful. You’re way ahead of me though. Mine is still not finished. Maybe tomorrow!

  5. great stuff Carin. LOVE this:
    “I chose the phrase “I am Spirit” (since that basically negates anything my inner critic can ever tell me). ”

  6. xo!

  7. Beautiful. Is it a self-portrait? It reminds me of you. I love the messages in it, too.

  8. Thanks ladies!
    Lisa- it’s supposed to be a representation of us, not necessarily self portraits.

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