Today’s the day guys! And kicking off this love that arty mama interview series is Marcia Beckett.
I was first drawn to Marcia’s art because it’s super colourful, loose, and fun. It always makes me smile! Her art education blog is also a great resource for fun projects for me to do with the kids, both now and in the future. And we’re obviously on the same wavelength because wouldn’t you know it…she interviewed three artist mothers in the latest issue of Featuring Magazine (which I only realised after I started contacting people about this series)!!!
Over to Marcia…
* Please tell us a little bit about yourself and the type of art you make.
Thanks so much for interviewing me, Carin! I am 33 years old and have one daughter named Daria who is about 3 1/2 years old. I love being a mom and would like to have more kids in the next few years. It is so amazing to watch Daria grow and I’m particularly enamored with her language development. It’s so fun to hear her talk and watch her unique personality emerge.
I enjoy many types of art. My artwork is usually bright and busy. My motto is: “More is more.” I love watercolor and acrylic painting, art journaling and creating mixed media art. I have also dabbled in ceramics, jewelry making, knitting, crocheting and scrapbooking. I have closets full of supplies to prove it!
* Roughly how often do you make art? Roughly how many hours per day or week?
I spend approximately 5-8 hours per week on my own personal art. During the summer I do not work, so I can spend more time on art. I am a school teacher, so it varies from week to week. Of course, I would love to make my own art every day but at this point in my life I have many other responsibilities.
* Do you keep regular working (art) hours, or do you fit art in whenever?
I fit art in whenever I can. I usually work on art for a few hours one night during the week and then for a few solid hours on a weekend night. Typically I wait until my daughter is asleep at night for my own art time.
* Do you plan/ schedule your art time in advance?
No. If I know my husband is having a night out with his guy friends, I will definitely plan on that night as being an “art night” for me. Otherwise, I just start when the mood strikes me and I don’t have other things I need to attend to.
* Do you have any rituals that take you from Marcia the mum to Marcia the artist?
Honestly, no rituals necessary. I just pick up my supplies and start! Time is limited. However, usually when I start my artmaking, I will pour a glass of wine and turn on an artsy podcast or a true crime news feature to keep me company.
* How has having children affected your work (working process, subjects, etc)? And how has art affected your mothering?
I’ve actually started making more artwork since having my daughter. I can no longer do what I want whenever I want, so I feel like I need to make the most of my “free time”. I’m actually more productive than I have been before having a child. I also am making more positive artwork. There is so much negativity in the world that I need my art to be uplifting to myself.
* Does your family get involved in your art making?
My husband has no interest in art. He definitely supports me and would go to art museums with me (to make me happy) but it is just not his interest. That is fine with me, because he is interested in some things that I am not. My daughter enjoys painting and coloring too and she sometimes likes to help me with my scrapbook. I can’t wait until she gets older and has a longer attention span for art. We will have so many fun art adventures together.
* As an artist mama, what do you consider your greatest challenges, and how do you overcome them?
That is a hard question. Challenges of time, challenges of feeling like I am never doing enough, challenges of comparing myself to others, challenges of determining where I want to focus my energies…. I’m curious to see what other people have to say about this question.
* Do you sell or teach your art, locally or online?
My career is teaching elementary level art, grades K-6. I teach full-time in private school for gifted and talented (academically) kids. My educational background is in K-12 art education. I have taught numerous classes for kids through local recreation departments, summer camps, and after school. I have not taught adults, other than the occasional presentation at an art teacher conference. I have an etsy shop where I sell collage ephemera packs and some prints of my artwork. I have sold a few original artworks, but have not really put many of them out there. Mostly I have made art for people I know when they request them.
* What tools (for example blog? instagram? twitter? art fairs? gallery shows? etsy? facebook? word of mouth?) have you found the most helpful to get your art known?
My blogs have been a great way to connect with other artists/teachers and to share my artwork. I have participated in a lot of groups that have linkups which have brought people to my blog. I run a challenge and sharing blog called Artists in Blogland and write articles for a mixed media art magazine called Featuring. I have also enjoyed using Flickr to connect with people.
* Where can people find you?
Art Journaling, Mixed Media and more
Thank you so much to Marcia for opening our love that arty mama interview series! All pictures above are copyright Marcia Beckett and were posted with permission. Please come back on Monday for another interview. All the interviews can be found under the tag “love that arty mama” as they’re posted, or by clicking the button below.

There are so many things I loved about this: learning how she makes time for art (I could totally see her with her glass of wine listening to music or a true crime story), the idea that “more is more”… especially when it’s more of what you love!, and the artwork displayed here… particularly the one with the butterflies and roaring lion. Thank you for introducing us to Marcia.
Thank you so much Angie! I love that you, as a writer, read this series. I think the questions cross over into your field too.
Carin, GREAT interview questions & what a wonderful theme for a series. Marcia, beautiful work.
Thanks Janet! I’ve wanted to do this series ever since I started Artfully Carin, so I’m so glad it’s finally out there.
I love the interview. I follow Penello Lane who interviews Canadian artists. I remember the days when my daughters were little and trying to fit in my writing. I got up earlier and earlier every morning. I finally gave up at 4am when my youngest woke up to visit me and keep me from being alone. Nights became my writing time. Now with the girls grown, it is easier to carve out time. You are so right that when you have a tight schedule, you do become more productive because you have to. Thanks for the post.
Thank you so much Sheila! Yes, I loved that too. When you are on a tight schedule, you definitely become more productive. Not so much time wasting going on.
I loved reading Marcia’s story alongside images of her colorful art. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Heather!
Thanks again for thinking of me, Carin! I cant wait to read the other interviews.
Thank YOU Marcia! So glad you agreed to do it 🙂
Great interview Carin… loved it… they are interesting questions and give us a lot more insight… loved it and looking forward to the next…xx
Thank you Tracey! I love how the question shows that no matter we are all in this boat together.
Oooh, this is so much fun! Great job Carin! And I LOVE learning more about Marcia Beckett – what a wonderful interview. Going to the links now . . . Thank you! xo
Eek! Yes it is! I’m so glad it’s finally going ahead! I loved learning more about Marcia too 🙂
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