Side by side

I hear some mothers complain their children come back from preschool covered in paint. It makes me laugh. In our case, Aoife often goes to preschool covered in paint! Before leaving the house now we have to look each other over; clean clothes- check, clean hair & face- check, clean hands & nails- near enough, check! Yet despite all our efforts, we usually miss something, much to the amusement of some of the other parents at the school gate.

I wouldn’t change it though!

mother and child making art together

I love Aoife and I sitting side by side at the breakfast bar painting (or drawing, or cutting & gluing) our hearts out a short while every day. It’s a wonderful part of our daily routine that I look forward to every day. I find it just as important as floor-time. Working on similar projects separately but side by side is so inspiring. Not only do we have a giggle, but we actually enjoy each other’s company in a completely different way to when we play, explore or do housework.


  1. I like that journal page…sorry you didn’t like your do-over!
    I wish Michael liked to paint. Maybe he’ll get interested eventually, but at this point I don’t see any inclination towards art. 🙁 Makes me a little sad but then I remember all the wonderful things he does enjoy. I think he prefers to work side by side with his dad! *sigh*

  2. It started off ok, but turned into something it wasn’t supposed to be. I have added a little explanation in the post.
    I can understand you would like Michael to do something like that with you, but it’s so nice he works side by side with his dad.

  3. Ah, paint has a way of getting away from our hands, lol.
    I love the image of you two at art/craft together. My little one loves to draw, so when she isn’t running around like a fireball, I think she’d like to sit and create with her mama. We’ll see.

  4. Oh yes, I can get a bit over zealous (sp?) sometimes lol.
    Hope so. It’s very special.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! My daughter often goes to preschool covered in paint, too! You’ll love a linky party I’ve got planned for my blog! Stay tuned, I hope to share the details, soon.


  1. […] this was the most stubborn journal entry I’ve ever worked with! It had no intentions of ever doing what I wanted it to do. In the end, I just had to accept that it wanted to be something completely different and go with […]

  2. […] I’m not mad about the page I made for the month of April, but I do love that quote by Cyril Tourneur: “I shine in tears like the sun in April”. I think it is so beautiful. The bottom layer of paint and writing on the “Be Bold, Dream Big” page is actually the Sweden side of the original “Two Lives” spread that I painted over. […]

  3. […] colourful doodle was really fun to make. I made it during my daily side by side craft time with Aoife and gave her her own little paper with a few peace signs, flowers and circles to colour […]

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