The Artistic Mother Group

 The artistic mother
Image from Shona Cole’s blog 

I’m pleased as punch right now! I received my copy of the book The Artistic Mother by Shona Cole yesterday morning, and devoured it while Aoife happily played in the sand pit on her own. I had heard great reviews of the book on other blogs, seen some wonderful projects made from its pages, and knew I would like it.  I was right.

While I’m organising my work space and supplies to get started, I joined the Artistic  Mother Group over at Trudy Callan’s blog Artistic Creations With Trudy. The group is already a few weeks into the book but still takes new members, so if you too are interested in joining, hop on over and sign up.

I’m so happy! I can’t wait to get started!


  1. I’ve never heard of that book. Can it help me fit creative projects into my busy mama life?

  2. It’s only recently been released. Yes! One part of the book shows you how to carve out some time for yourself each day. She also features some busy artist mums who show how they fit art around their family.

  3. Welcome to the AM group… I have been peeking around your blog and really like your handle with care journal page; Many a day I feel like that. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  4. Thanks Heather! Really excited about starting the workshop, and can’t wait to visit all the other members to see their interpretations of the projects.

  5. Love to hear all that enthusiasm.
    I was fired up to participate but right before i bought the book i had a closer look and it has all these crafty projects that i have no interest in. 🙁 boo, i was hoping it was more arty. but it does look great and the group is huge and supportive, so i know you’ll get a great deal out of it.
    and do share with us some ‘carving out time’ tips.

  6. Thanks Mon! Shame you lost interest in it. It would have been fun doing the projects alongside you.

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